Tuesday, March 13, 2012


 I suppose it's time for a 10@ update. Right now it's 7:37pm.

1. I got a job at Sunnyside Greenhouse again starting in May. Yay! Hopefully I'll be able to work at Bed, Bath, and Beyond part-time as well.

2. I have to move at the end of April. Not yay. I will sure miss my little apartment.

3. I ran with Lita today at Nose Hill Park. Those hills are death. I wish I lived closer to it so I could run there every day.

4. I am up to 13 man push ups in a row! In 4 sets I can do 37.

5. Last week we got dumped on by a butt load of snow so Burns and I built a quincy. We weren't sure if it would work because the snow was so powdery, but Burns shoveled away anyways and I dug out the interior and it worked marvelously!

We made Kobe go in the cave. It's kind of a creepy picture. There was enough room for both Burns and me inside.

6. Burns cleaned out his car in honor of our trip down to Raymond. He also cleaned all the mud and salt off the outside. Then he put a sticker he got from his brother on his car. Hopefully this will discourage people from flipping us off when they find out we aren't cops on the highway.

7. Burns and I went down to Raymond for the weekend for the Moonlight Run! I ran in the 10k this year and my time was 1:01:58. It was so fun! Probably because I actually trained for it this year haha. It was sooo nice running in the dark with my music playing. It was the best when I was relatively alone and the weather was absolutely perfect! I was able to run up the whole hill this year! I'm so proud of myself! Especially because I had never ran 10k in my whole life before I ran the race. It was a waaaaaay better experience than last year.

8. Right after the race Parents, Brad, Marshie, Carol, Burns, and I all went to Osho for dinner. So good.


9. I can't wait to graduate!!!!

10. Not knowing whether I'm going to Edmonton or staying here for the next year is highly stressful. Dislike.

1 comment:

  1. dislike # 10 as well, but like that you did a post. Good job on the run! You are my hero, for real. I would NEVER attempt that 10k because of that sickly hill of death at the end, but good job! Yay for Sunnyside, we'll be sure to visit!
