Thursday, August 22, 2013

almost married

Hey there. I'm getting married in two days.....

This is actually happening?
A little over four and a half years and it's finally here!
Yeah this is pretty surreal.

I guess I'll share a little of the craziness going on around here. First off, my phone decided it would like to go for a swim in a toy store's toilet. That was pretty awesome. I'm just thankful I hadn't actually gone to the bathroom yet when it happened. I quickly grabbed it, cleaned it as best I could without damaging it even more (like that could have happened) and it asked me if I would like to turn it off. On any other iPhone I would have absolutely turned it off, but you see, the power button doesn't work so I'm not sure if I could have turned it back on. So I left it on to suffer and die then I put it in a bag of rice. No dice.

I bought a used one on Kijiji that I was pretty sure had been stolen (you know, classic sketchy guy selling more than one iPhone on Kijiji). I checked with the Calgary police and they said it hadn't been reported as stolen. That doesn't mean it wasn't, it just wasn't reported.

So fun hey?

Okay maybe not so much, but what actually was fun was the bridal shower that Arianne threw for me on Saturday the 17th. Complete with amazing appetizers and even more amazing friends.

It was held outside on a pretty hot day, so Carol and Alex broke out the sprinkler to help cool down. What a fantastic idea.

Thanks so much to everyone who came! And thanks, Arianne, for hosting it!

After the shower I took my neglected pup on a much needed walk. We went to Bowmont park and the pathways were finally open after the flooding.

I couldn't believe this tree actually survived the chaos.

There used to be a fence where that dirt line is to the right in this pictures:

This little bridge used to point directly towards where I took the picture from. I'm actually surprised it wasn't completely washed away.

On Sunday night I went down to Raymond. Dad dyed my hair the next morning to match my extensions that I was going to put in, but my hair still wasn't dark enough. Mom had to dye it again to match. It's a pretty close match. After she was finished working, Mom started on my extensions. Four hours later she put the last one in. I got Loop-n-Lock extensions, otherwise known as micro-bead extensions. Here is a little sneak peak of how long my hair is now. I love it! The best part is that it will last for up to 3 months and it doesn't damage your natural hair.

The next day I had my nails done by Sue Shurtz. I love these things too but I need to re-learn how to take my contacts out.

I'm feeling pretty pampered and prissy. I have a few more things to do to wrap this whole wedding thing up. Everything is coming together rather nicely, slowly but surely. Sam, Matt, Steph, Rhett, Capri, and Charlotte made it up last night from Utah. I can't wait to marry into this wonderful family! Two days, two days!!!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

early august

 Time for yet another update!

1. I went to Carol's bridal shower on July 27th. It was held at Auburn Bay Lake. Only community residents are allowed to go to the lake. It's really nice there so I almost want to live there just for the lake. Anyways, the shower was lovely with a cornucopia of great food and lots of candy! Umm... they're getting married in two days. So crazy and exciting!

2. After the shower, Lita and I got together. We went to a dance party where we didn't end up dancing very much, so we left early. She then invited me to go see her and Matt's place. They live in the Crescent Heights area so they are super close to an amazing view of downtown.

We walked down to Prince's Island Park where the Folk Fest was being held. It was such a gorgeous night and it was fun to hear a little music while we walked around.

3. I got some shoes for my little feather (yes feather, not flower) girl, Natalie. They were the wrong colour so Alex said I should paint them. I used my nail polish and I think it was a success!

4. Nose Hill Park is still so great.

5. This is how far apart Burns and I are:

He's installing alarms in the Terrace/Kitimat areas. He's so close to the coast but he doesn't think he'll get to go. I'm sad for him, but glad at the same time because I would be super jealous. I'm such a good fiancé aren't I? This is what it looks like where Boonie is at right now:

So gorgeous.

6. William is so hilarious. He has the best faces.

7. Guess who finally decided to show up in Calgary. COLOR ME RAD!!!!
I had literally been waiting for that day for over a year. They were going to hold the race last year but couldn't find a location so they held it off until this year. It was supposed to be on June 29th but because of the flooding they had to delay it until August 3rd. Worth the wait I tell you. It was so fun! Carol, Marshall, Alex and I decorated some T-shirts the night before.

Mandi was in town for a bridal shower and the race. She was supposed to run at 10:00 but the person she was going to go with cancelled. I told her to join our team at 9:40 so she did :) We had a blast!

Luke dropped us off and we met up with Marshall, Carol, and Alex.

It definitely wasn't 5km but we had such a great time that it didn't matter at all. It wasn't timed or anything so we weren't as competitive as we usually are during races.

Do you see Marshie's booger hanging out of his nose? So RAD!

Burns was supposed to run it but he was too far away to join us, sod I stole his RAD tattoo.

8. That night Mandi and I went to Stephanie Cirillo's bridal shower. She's marrying Blake on September 7th. It was a moustache party. Riley wears a stache quite well don't you agree?

9. I went down to Lethbridge for the weekend. I met up with Brad and Cassi, we did some shopping, got busted by the cops, and then did some swimming.

But seriously though, I left Kobe in my car parked in the shade with the windows rolled down. It was a cool day and I left water for him too. We came back from shopping to check on him and right when we were pulling up I got a phone call from a police officer.

Apparently Brad and Cassi's neighbour is extremely nosey and a big animal rights activist (which is funny because I was told that she doesn't treat her own animals very well). She was convinced that I was abusing Kobe.

It was a dang good thing the officer was so understanding. He even told me that I did nothing wrong. In fact, he said I did everything right. He even stuck his hand in my open window and said it wasn't that hot inside. He just told me to be careful on hot summer days (which I would NEVER leave Kobe in the car if it was that hot out) and also to be careful because there are a lot of animal activists who think they know what's best for other people's animals.

After all the ruckus, all of us needed to cool down. Brad and Cassi took me to their secret swimming hole and we had a ton of fun jumping in the water with the dogs. I jumped in and I was genuinely surprised to see Kobe swimming out to me! I'm so happy he is finally becoming more accepting of water.

That night Brad and Cassi helped me make some cookie dough for my wedding. I baked it the next morning and they turned out perfectly!

 10. Mom and Dad were on a bike trip and came back Monday around noon. It was a stormy day but the evening turned out to be really nice so we all went to Magrath for a little walk about. We used to go there as kids all the time. I have such fond memories of this place.

Brad and Cassi left to visit Cassi's parents in Cardston, so parents and I did a little frog hunting before we left. My goodness there were so many frogs! I almost stepped on so many without seeing them and they all hopped into the water as I walked. Kobe saw a stick he really wanted so I told him to go get it.

It took a little encouraging but he was pretty determined to get it. He ran around the puddle a couple times and then he kind of fell in. I thought he was going to just climb right back out but he actually swam to the stick and pulled it out with him! I then put it back in the water and encouraged him to get it again. He was pretty frustrated that he had to get wet again but finally, with a lot of encouraging from me (and some from Mom and Dad), he swam to the stick. This time I was ready with my camera to prove that this actually happened.

11. Burns and I picked quite the date to be getting married. I know 3 other couples who are getting married on the same day. One of the couples is Burns' cousin. So rude, but at least we had the date first.  There were 6 invitations on my parents' fridge. Summer of love I tell ya.

12. I didn't work very much on Tuesday so I asked Arianne to help me make some more cookie dough. We invited Nitty over to help too. My goodness I am so lucky to have such great little helpers like Natalie and Audrey.

Audrey helped by sleeping the whole time and not taking her mommy away from me.

Thanks so much ladies!