Friday, May 27, 2011


So since I work at a greenhouse and greenhouses leak, the tills are flooded and I have a rain day today!!! Sunnyside ain't so sunny anymore ~ yay for a break!!! Just in cases you don't know about my life recently, having a break to me feels like having a holiday. I am THAT excited about it. And what do I do on my days off? HOMEWORK!!! YAY!!!! And what else do I do??? BLOG!!!! And I'm super excited about today because this means I can finish my homework and then GO ON A DATE with my boyfriend!!! I'm so happy right now. I don't even remember the last time we went on an actual date. Oh wait...actually we went to Namskar - the fine East Indian cuisine place. It was pretty good except for we got coconut rice and it was a bad idea to get it. Gross.

Both of us are super busy lately because we both work full time and we both are taking a spring course. Mine is the Intro to Speech Pathology and Burns is upgrading Physics 30. Soon we will be young, beautiful, talented, AND smart people.....maybe we won't be so young when that happens...or beautiful...or talent...or even people for that matter~ but ... whatever. We are also really busy because of the band. Speaking of which...we have a show coming up on June 17th. Should be fun.

I have been a failure at keeping ya'll updated picture-wise. So here are some grand time adventures lately. I guess there are only two grand time adventures, but here they are anyways.

Breanne's Birthday!

Brian had a 19th birthday! Congrats on making it this far in life!

On March 30th we, the band, surprised her. Her b-day was actually the next day but we decided to do it a day early so she would be super surprised. And also she had plans for her actual birthday haha.

Here we are!

With ikes-cream cake and everything!

Awwww schminkle you are growing up!

Note to self - never buy another ikes-cream cake if you want room in your freezer.


I went to ALL the sessions of conference this year. Yes, I actually got dressed up and went to the chapel. Sometimes Bre came with me :) I can't pay attention at home. This was all made possible because Burns went down to Utah and I got to use his car! Refer to my baby come back post for a reminder. Anyways I got a tonne out of it. It was my first time going to ALL the sessions...oh except for Priesthood. So on Saturday Bre and I got back from the morning session and it was snowing beautifully and the snow was perfect for ....


Kobe helped!

Awwww what a great times.

In other news I have decided to make a life goal:

I will not be full of BS. If you can't see this post it is because it is my sister's private blog. But I can explain what Alex says. BS (Blinders Syndrome) Meaning - "You Don't Exist If I Don't Make Eye Contact With You"

I was in the gym at the university the other day right after my SLP class. One of the girls in my class was there too. We did a project together in my class last semester so I know she knows who I am. Anyways, I walked past her ready to say hi to her and right when I passed her, she totally looked down at her phone. How do I know that she knew I was there? Because that is what I do when I want to avoid eye-contact with someone. I look down at my phone or my ipod or whatever else I have in my hands. Or I look the other way. It hurt. And now that I know how much it hurts, I am going to look everyone that I know in the eye, smile, and say hi if they look up.

So there you have it folks, finally another update with pictures! Have a good one ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011


I know it was Mother's Day yesterday but I was a little busy. Don't worry, I phoned my mommy, but I just wanted to express my appreciation here.

Dear Mommy,

Thank you so much for:
  • carrying me for 9 months
  • giving birth to me
  • listening to me when I call home crying
  • supporting me in all my pursuits growing up, such as singing lessons, piano lessons, volleyball, soccer, and whatever else I was involved in
  • telling me how you feel about the people I interact with (such as friends that treat me badly or other....people...who will not be named....haha
  • giving all your kids daily and weekly jobs - it taught me to love clean houses and how to work
  • showing me that girls don't have to be wimps and that, in fact, we are an intelligent and able gender
  • putting up with all my whining and complaining, not to mention all the whining and complaining of your other children
  • never yelling at us - if you ever did then I can't remember when
  • telling me that I can do anything I set my mind to
  • sitting with me for hours on end helping me with math, physics, and whatever other homework I had at the time and being patient with my frustration
  • typing my assignments out when I didn't know how to type fast
  • keeping up with technological advances such as texting - that's awesome!
  • taking the family on vacations
  • living within your means
  • supporting me in my band
  • giving each child exactly what they need even when we think we need more
  • giving me countless cuts and colors :)
  • sewing too many outfits to count
  • having the family sit around the table for Sunday dinners
  • curfews
  • always being there for me and all your kids
I love you Mom!

ps. I know it looks like I'm copying Arianne, but I'm actually copying Alex from last year haha.