Thursday, July 21, 2011

there's no better time than family time

Burns' brother Matt, his fantastic wife Stephanie, and their two adorable children came up from Utah to visit. We played with them pretty much the whole week they were here. We watched anime, talked, laughed, ate divine food, and went to Chestermere of course.

Matt, Rhett, and baby Capri

Burns helping to cut wood...with a sledge hammer...
 Then Burns and I went to Raymond to attend my G-ma B's 90th Bday. GBBD!!! We had ourselves some good bridge jumping!

Marshall posing for Gucci

Our cousin Russell joined us for the fun.

The horse-flies were one of the main attractions...I mean...We were some of the main attractions for the horse-flies.
 Then off the children went to T in the V 2011!!!
Daryn, Marshie, Brad, Burns, Arianne, Me, and Cassi

And what is better than frog hunting with family?

Building a dam in the creek.

There was a phantom following Cassi around.
 Back in Calgary, Bre and I went to Bowness with the poopies

Oh and I got a new swimsuit for $20

This is turning out to be a really great summer!

Friday, July 15, 2011

black velvet

As most of you know, I am in a band called Without the Fall. It is frustrating, annoying, and very much time consuming, but when we come up with something that I think is fun/great/very heart-felt (to me at least) then it makes it all worth it.

We recently made a music video to try to win a spot to compete in the Cover Me Canada competition. Here is what the phenomenal Danny Roy (who filmed and edited the video) helped us with:

Black Velvet originally performed by Alannah Myles. Enjoy

Thursday, July 7, 2011

this week begins with summer

Okay well since I have the new blogger thing, I can now upload pictures in their proper order rather than backwards. Since I didn't know this until I uploaded these pictures, you will get to experience my Southern Alberta trip backwards! Just to make things clear, we first went to Waterton, and while there we had a picnic then went to Red Rock and then to Bear's Hump. The next day Bre, Marshie, Burns, and I went to Park Lake.  ENJOY 

We ended our Park Lake date with a round of Bocce. Team P&B won leaving Team B&M in the ashes of the wake.

This is the water Park Lake had to offer us. So clear, so fresh. Okay sarcastic much? It was COVERED in seaweed.   

This is Bre and me swimming across the lake. Burns came too. 

See? We made it to the other side!

On our way. 

Before we swam across, we let the puppies come and play with us. 

The night before Park Lake, Burns and I went stargazing! We learned where the North Star , Saturn, Arcturus,  Scorpius, Sagitarius, and the Milky Way are! 

Using star charts.

At the top of Bear's Hump.

Siblings! I think this is the first picture that Marshall and I actually look like siblings (if you zoom in really close to our faces).

It was the windiest I had ever experienced there. We started at around 6:00 pm. 

Marshall just chillin, reading his magazine. 

It was soo pretty up there!

The Australian Burns.

PS we made it up in 20 mins. 

At Red Rock we saw a dog that looked pretty similar to Kobe, only fatter and fluffier. But I guess it's not too hard to be fatter than that boy...

Making our way upstream. 

Brad jumping the Great Schism.

And of course what is Waterton without The Big Scoop ice cream?

After our picnic, we went to a lake and the boys swam around a little bit...even Kobe. 

Brad starting off the jumping.

Burns and me looking down at my camera in the water. 

A cute lil walk around the lake we picnicked at.

Since I didn't get to do anything for Burns on the day of his actual birthday, the next day I made him breakfast. 

Crepes, and Irish Breakfast (hashbrowns with beef and poached eggs)
Oh and don't worry, I can post the recipe for the crepes. They were DEE--VINE.