Saturday, March 31, 2012

ff: a day in the life of

I had no idea what this week's Friday Fiasco was until Alex texted me to join in: take a picture every hour that you are awake today (that was yesterday). I had already been up for two hours, so I guess we'll just skip two morning pics.

Disclaimer: most of these pics are not exactly on the hour. In fact, a few of them are almost into the next hour.


I was driving to Boonie's. I drove his car home the night before because he fell asleep at 6:30pm and he didn't want to get up. When I got to his house we made a quick breakfast, he dropped me off at school at 10:00 and then he drove to school.


I was in my biology class. I don't like taking pictures in class because the people behind me would probably think I'm being a creep. This is why you see a picture of my feet and backpack as opposed to my prof. and classmates. The prof. lectured on the respiratory system. The body is amazing by the way.


After bio I rushed to the gym, ran a few laps, did a few burpees, crunches, and lunges, then ran a couple more laps. I'm trying to train for the Spartan Race in August and I get a WOD (workout of the day) email every day. I try to do most of the things they say to do which are sometimes not the most convenient or easiest things to do, but it's fun to try. This is a pic of the track upstairs.


After my workout, I rushed to my anthropology class. My prof lectured on early bipeds and we learned about neanderthals and things and the like and such. I caught a pic as I was leaving.


Off to my linguistics class. There was a presentation that day by a few classmates. We were supposed to guess whether a boy or a girl wrote the Facebook statuses we saw written on the board. We then discussed language and gender. It was a good presentation.


After my ling class, I went straight to my last class of the day which just so happens to be another anthropology class. We discussed what happened to the Aboriginal people and their religion in the States. I left that class hating Europeans. I talked to Burns about it after and we concluded that we (humans in general) are still learning how to be good and "humane", but it sure is taking forever!


This is me on my way home via the bus. Nothing too exciting happened here.


This is the Kobster waiting for Boonie to get to our house to take us away to his house. I just thought this pic was hilarious.


This is a pic of part of the assignment I worked on yesterday. It was due at midnight and it was for my linguistics class. I had to write down all of my face-to-face interactions I had for a week but I extended mine to two weeks. I didn't include text messages, but I included phone conversations. Any interaction that would affect the way I speak. The first couple days I realized how little I talk to people face-to-face. It was a little concerning actually haha. I should have taken a pic of the finished product. It shows my social network with lines criss-crossing everywhere because I know some people who know others in the network.


I forgot to take a picture, but I was definitely still working on my assignment.


Denise made chili for supper and Burns and I couldn't wait to eat it!!!


This is Burns being really bored because I hadn't finished my assignment yet. I think he was playing Counterstrike. He's looking at Kobe who is just barely out of the pic.


Finally finished my assignment! I love the look Kobe is giving Burns haha!


What to do on a Friday night at 10? Go to McDonald's for McFlurrys of course!


What to do on a Friday night at 11? Play the piano of course! Right after this Burns and I learned a little bit of a song from Handel's Messiah. We want to sing it for a choir spiritual thought.


When I looked at the clock, I didn't even know how this happened. It was almost 1:00am??? What the? So I went home.


Getting ready for bed.


I finally went to sleep. This is right before I turned my lights out. What was I still doing up you ask? Putting filters on all of these pics for today. I'm so HC. This is a pic of my pj's.

This was a pretty typical Friday for me...except the working on an assignment for four hours part. I hope you enjoyed your window into my life :D

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THAT YOU DID THIS WITH US!!! I really enjoyed it and want to do it again sometime
