Saturday, March 3, 2012

FPADC 19-29

 Day 19: something you hate to do

I hate leaving Burns for the night...or him leaving me for the night. It has gotten a little annoying after 3 years of this. I know what you're thinking so no need to comment haha.

Day 20: handwriting

I really like this song and I couldn't really think of anything else to do for handwriting. When I went to write my GRE I had to hand write out a waiver (like in cursive) and it was the first time in a long time I had done that so it took me forever. The guy next to me complemented my style haha.

Day 21: a fave photo of you

Having a sister as a photographer is so great sometimes. Okay a lot of the time. Okay it's just awesome. There are many pictures I love of myself because of that woman. This is just one of the many.

Day 22: where you work

Sometimes I clean houses.

Day 23: your shoes

I got these on sale at Payless. They were originally around $60 but I got them for like $24 or something. They are probs my fave shoes. Like totes.

Day 24: inside your bathroom cabinet

Because I live with roomies, my bathroom cabinet is actually a drawer. Let's see what we got in there. Some toothpaste, a couple of toothbrushes, a mirror, some band-aids, floss, waxing strips, razor replacement blades, and a thing that scrapes away my gross callouses on my heels.

Day 25: green

I went to Lloyd's Roller Rink with Marshie, Burns, and Lita last week. It was super fun and I'm so jealous of those peeps who are sooooo good at it!

Day 26: night

I don't even remember exactly when this was taken. That's burns back there. It was super foggy out and we were trying to scare each other by pretending we had the rage virus. We're so neat.

Day 27: something you ate

I used to think that avocados were kind of blah. I gave them another chance this year and I love them now! Served best sliced like this with sea salt and a lot of pepper. Mmmmmmm.

Day 28: money

I think I have a little more than $100 in coins. I need to take this to the bank some time..... I guess the only reason I haven't yet is because I'm going to feel really sorry for whoever has to count all this.

Day 29: something you're listening to

I wish on this leap day the photo challenge was a little more epic. Or maybe I should have listened to something a little more epic on the extra day we had. Oh well. This one is a gooder. I also really like "Not Your Fault" by Awolnation.

PS. Alex, I watched Fresh. I really like how they focused more on the awesomeness of organic farms than on the inhumanity of mass production like other documentaries I've seen. It made me really want to start my own little organic farm haha.


  1. Day 19 - You know what I would say about that so I guess there's no need to comment.
    Day 21 - Presh
    Day 25 - Possibly one of my fav photos
    Day 26 - 'neat' is a good word for it..
    Day 28 - Preeeety sure a machine would do the counting, no?
    and I'm so glad you watched it!!! I'm doing my garden again this year and I'm so excited. Another reason why you and B should (I wont comment) already and get a house so you can have one too

  2. Baha... the rage virus. You guys are the coolest!

  3. Day 19... Bahahahaha! I love your caption.. Shoot, was that a comment?

    But I totally know how you feel. SUCKY!

  4. 19 - ditto to alex
    21 - daawwwwwww!
    23 - i love those shoes! I don't think I could get away with wearing that style
    25 - I'm actually kind of regretting not coming out with you guys to lloyds! It's too bad I was seriously engrossed in reading "the Help" or I would REALLY be regretting skipping out.
    26 - refer to "comment" on 19
    27 - I'm drooling.
