Where else would we go but to Banff? You know when you pass that factory by the lake on the right hand side of the highway on your way to the cute lil place called Banff? Well have you ever stopped at that lake? Burns and I have the liberty of saying that we have!
Have you ever had the privilege of saying that you have WALKED on that lake? Burns and I have!
Not only was it FREEZING out on that lake but it was also a little unnerving to know that at any moment the ice could crack and we could fall to our hypothermic deaths.
Guess where this is:
If you guessed that we are on that little island with the picnic table, then by golly you guessed right!
See that semi? That's right..Burns and I crossed that frozen waste land. We always wanted to get out to that island...but I never dreamed we would WALK across the lake to get to it.
If you would like to experience our adventure in even more detail...please visit this link:
I need to figure out how I can play youtube videos without having to go through the link...
Back to Banff!
We had a great time browsing the shops and buying chocolates and getting warm in our rented retro bathing suits!
Thank you Banff Hot Springs, without you, we would not have gone to that little island off the coast.
And for all ya'll who are wondering what kind of flowers Burns got me for Valentine's Day, welp here they are! Lilies!
get married already.
ReplyDeleteps so jealous that you visited that mysterious picnic table!
p.p.s what arianne said