1. On July 9th I hosted Lita's bridal shower.
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Making these were the death of me but they eventually turned out to be alright. |
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Peanut butter cheese ball. |
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Banana cream poke cake. |
It was such a nice evening with good food and good company! The last guests left at around 10pm so I think that was a good sign haha. Thanks for helping to set up, Lita!
2. On July 13th, Matt and Lita got themselves hitched!
Since Arianne was due to give birth to her child on the 17th, she didn't really feel like taking pictures would be the best idea. I was lucky enough to take some pics for the gorgeous couple and I can't wait to see all the edited pictures!
At the reception in High River:
The lovely balloons:
Lita and Matt making their escape:
The beautiful sunset driving back to Calgary:
What a perfect day.
3. Audrey Koel Bieber was born on July 19th. She is so precious.
4. On the 20th I went up to Edmonton to visit Boonie.
We headed to Hermitage Park and went on such a lovely walk. Kobe was loving life. The best part was this:
And this:
Having a lead-tech fiancee is just annoying sometimes. When he wasn't on the phone we had such a wonderful time together.
Burns had an appointment at around 12:30 so Kobe and I waited in the car for him.
Then we went back to Hermitage Park.
And found a flock of geese hanging out.
Burns tried to blend in by walking like them (we noticed a couple older men doing this) but they were pretty skeptical of Kobe.
We had such a great day together. It sucked that it had to end at around 4:00. Burns got called into work so I headed home and went pretty much straight to Ernesto and Kaitlyn Alvarez's wedding reception. I wish Burns could have gone because there was an authentic Mexican band that played some great music. We would have had a lot of fun. Good thing Lita was there to dance with me or I would have gone straight home.
5. The next day I was bitten by a dog. I was trying to check its tags because it was wandering the street with no owner in sight. It attacked my hand and I didn't realize how bad it actually was until I realized he was breaking skin. Fun times.
It didn't even hurt that bad but I was really in shock so I just couldn't stop crying. I looked all over Heninger's house but I couldn't find any disinfectant. I knew my mom was in town visiting the new baby so I called her. My dad answered, I told him what happened, and my parents rushed to my side. They took me to the doctor where I received a tetanus shot and a reassurance that I would probably be just fine. My parents are so great. Thanks so much for helping me out!!!
Just yesterday I noticed that my palm was starting to look infected.
Left hand vs. right bitten hand:
I went to the doctor again and she said it was just bruising (thank goodness). The dog was just a little shih-tzu thing so I couldn't even imagine being bitten by a big dog.
6. After the dog bit and doctor visit on Sunday, my parents took me to see the newest addition to our family.
Such a little angel.
7. I was house & cat sitting for my friend/co-worker/boss, Candyce for the majority of July. It was nice having the whole house to myself but internet access was quite limited. It's nice to be home. It also took a while to bond with her cat, Leela, but by the end she was snuggling with me and purring quite a bit.
8. Burns and I both got postcards from Haillee who is still in New Zealand! She won't be able to make it to the wedding but she wishes she could.
9. Denise has been babysitting Luke and Mandi's little boy, William. He's going to be my nephew so soon!!! We bonded in Chestermere on Wednesday night while Rick and Denise did some yard work. He's such a cool three year old.
After the yard work was finished, they all hopped in the boat and I hopped on the wake board. It was set up backwards so I had a really hard time getting up. It was doable but very difficult. I ended up trying the trick water-skis. They were pretty cool but I think I like wake boarding better. Maybe it's just because I'm more used to the wake board.
It was such a beautiful evening.
Since that night, William has wanted to sit next to me or with me all the time. It's really nice.
10. Yesterday Rick and Kyler moved the heavy tempurpedic mattress into my house! I got to sleep on it last night and I can't wait to share it with Burns! Well...maybe I can wait to share it, but I can't wait to be married! Just one more month!!!!