Friday, September 27, 2013

family luncheon

After most of our guests were settled at their tables, Burns and I were led to our own private table. Denise surprised us with a beautifully set table and even our own little cake!

We were served a delicious meal of beef on a bun and potato salad. There were a lot of other tasty things, too. Denise certainly outdid herself. Thank you so much to all who helped out with that!

I found bottled water labels somewhere online. If you ever want the outline, just ask. They were actually really easy to put together once I figured out how to get the picture of the branches with the birds on the label. Just print out the label, cut it on the line, put clear, one-sided sticky plastic over top (found at your local dollar store - I found mine at Dollarama) and attach to the bottle. I found that the Dasani water bottle worked best for this label (maybe Coca-Cola bottles in general?). I found miniature bottles at Wal-Mart and thought they would be perfect. Okay, well actually I was looking for the regular size but I couldn't find them anywhere, so I got the mini ones. They turned out better than I hoped! Thanks once again to Denise for helping me put them together!

Centrepieces for all the tables at the lunch:

Thoroughly enjoying our beef on a bun:

We totally forgot to exchange our rings during the ceremony planned to exchange our rings at the luncheon. It just seemed more suiting to our kind of style.

And we got to kiss in front of everyone. A lot.

In between lunch and dessert, I had my dad give a little speech. It was so great. Thank Daddy!

And thank goodness Marshie and Carol recorded everything because the Go-Pro's memory card was full from other events.

Then we had Denise give a little speech.

I knew Burns was going to sing for me. I thought he made a song up for me but he did the most beautiful rendition of John Denver's "You Fill Up My Senses". Burns may not have written it, but he sang it so beautifully and it seriously is so perfect for us. Thank you, Boonie, for doing that for me. It made me so happy. And thanks to  Matt for holding the mic for him.

Oh yes and thanks again to Matt for being such a wonderful MC!

After Burns' song, dessert was served and we left the mic open for anyone who wanted to say something nice. Burns was so worried that no one would get up, but a lot of people did! All the speeches are in my top 5 favourite things of the day.

Matt, being the MC and all, started it off.



Grandpa Wood

Oh and did I mention we were pressured into singing? We didn't plan on it at all so it wasn't very good, but we got through it haha. We played a song that we wrote. It's still untitled but hopefully one day we will title it and record it. We would call it "Soak Up the Sun" but that's the same title as Sheryl Crow's song.



Arianne said she missed this part but she would have gotten up too had she not been feeding her baby.

A big thank you to this guy:

Pat helped us out so much that day. He helped with the music, drove us around and waited for us while we went to get pictures done on Nose Hill, got us water at the reception, and was an awesome support.

Burns thanking everyone who helped and who came out to support us. 

Navy being a little doll as usual.
Yup, I married one handsome man.

Kyler, Brad, Marshall, Joe, Matt, Sam, Burns, Jordan C, Jordan W, Brandon, Pat, Luke
They're so silly.

The brothers! I'm seriously so happy to have gained 3 more awesome older brothers. And extra happy to have gained two more amazing sisters and more nieces and nephews! Not to mention all the step-siblings, nieces, and nephews that I gained. What a fantastic family that I am a part of, now officially.

I love these guys.

Yay for my awesome brothers! They're the best.

I'm ecstatic that I'm a part of this family.

Heninger/Harris family.

Grandpa Wood is so great and accepting. I feel like he's been my grandpa my whole life.

90 years old and he's still such a stallion.

Lucy and Eden Russell, our two adorable nieces. 
Every time Eden saw my bouquet she whined that she wanted it. I finally let her hold it and she lit up like a Christmas tree. So cute.

Best siblings ever.

No turning back now, Burns.

Our cute little family.


  1. That food was seriously delicious!!! I wish I could have just stuffed my face with all of it. Unfortunately and fortunately the wee babe kept me from doing that as well as being a part of the open mic. I still love her though.

  2. Such a beautiful wedding! Such a beautiful bride! Such a handsome groom! So much love and so much fun! I am so happy that I was able to be there on your special day!
