Wednesday, September 12, 2012

spartan sprint 2012

Waaaaay back in February or March, Luke showed Burns the official video of the Spartan Race. He wanted to build a guy's team to compete this year. It looked like so much fun!!! So, since the boys decided to exclude their significant others, Mandi and I decided to build our own girl's team. I rounded up Alex and Kassidy Gibb to join the team.

I did a little research and came up with the name 'Artemis Revived' for our team name.
"The ancient Spartans used to sacrifice to her as one of their patron goddesses before starting a new military campaign."       - Wikipedia
It seemed to suit our cause.

I was so scared/excited for all those months leading up to the big day! It turned out that Kassidy was super excited for it too, but about a month before the race, she realized that it probably would not be a good idea to run it because of her knees. They had been bothering her for a while. I asked Haillee if she'd be interested in running in Kassidy's place. Heck yes she was!

Mandi and I picked up our race packages a day or two in advance. So intense. Then the race day came August 18, 2012.

Luke came down from Edmonton to support Mandi. It turns out that no one put the guy's team together, so only the girls were racing. HA! Maybe next year boys. Lita was a doll and came down to support the team. Thanks Lita!

When we got there, we saw tonnes of people just dripping with mud walking around. This got me super excited. We rushed around looking for "Kassidy" AKA Haillee. We finally found her about 5 minutes before the race started. While looking for her we passed the wash off area run by fire fighters. They probably thought they had the best job in the city that day.

This is me before the race. I guess that kind of goes without saying because I am so clean in the picture:

Aaaand after!

Okay, I wore those shoes on purpose. I have had those shoes for about 5 years and they were even hand-me-downs. They had holes everywhere and it was time to let them go. They had served me well, so if I was going to let them go, I was letting them go with something deserving of their constant companionship. I just left them there in a pile of muddy shoes. Burns is so proud.

Haillee and me:

Haillee did such a good job! Considering this was her second 5k ever and she had massive blisters from the hike we went on the weekend before, she did amazing! Such a little trooper.

Me, Mandi, and Alex.

Can you believe that Mandi has had 3 kids and Alex has had 2?? Dang these girls are FINE!

The line up to the wash off area was soooo loooong. I got quite and interesting sunburn from having splotches of mud on my back and waiting in line for so long.


925th over all
150th female
31/100 in my age + gender category

Time: 45:58

Mandi came in at 45:21
Alex came in at 45:35
Haillee came in at 1:00:47

There were about 3696 competitors.

Obstacles included:

  • fire jump
  • barbed-wire crawl
  • over a wall, under a wall, tire hop
  • spear throw (the only obstacle that I didn't complete so I had to do 25 burpees)
  • carry sand bag down then back up a steep hill
  • wall climb
  • cinder block drag
  • tire hoist
  • slippery wall climb
  • traversal wall
  • balance beams
  • gladiator arena
The most frustrating part was not being able to run up the hills as fast as I had wanted to because people in front of me kept walking up them. 

I definitely want to run it again! It was pretty tough at some times but it was so much fun! Thanks for running with me, ladies!


  1. This looks like so much fun Paige! Mud is a good look for you.

  2. You wanted to run up the hills??? Crazy lady. I was glad for the breaks!

  3. You all are insane! But have inspired me to might just maybe consider doing this myself at some point in my life
