Stampede Breakfast!
There was a super long line up but I'm always down for a free pancake breakfast :D
Then, I went over to Kutarnas to wait for Marshie, Arianne, and Daryn to get back from another Stampede breaky. Little did I know that I would be waiting there for an hour for them to get back....
Theeeeennn we drove out to the Ice Caves trail! I had wanted to do this hike for a year and it was a perfect day for it! I just got my new hiking boots, too, so I was pretty excited. To get the trail, one must walk about 6k because the road is closed to vehicles other than bicycles..and apparently quads.
Good thing it was a gorgeous day!
I feel like something might not be right here...
Kobe was just loving life as he ran way ahead of us. Perhaps I should have kept him closer as he was attacked by a vicious ROUS (for those of you who haven't seen 'Princess Bride', ROUS = Rodent Of Unusual Size)! Actually it was a baby marmot, but it was still scary! He was a little bit ahead of us and we would hear these high pitched screeches coming from marmots on cliffs.
We were crossing a bridge when a marmot screamed at us from a cliff beside the bridge, then I saw a little marmot running beside the bridge straight towards Kobe! He had no idea what it was and just wanted to find out, so he started trotting towards it, then the marmot went full speed and the two collided! I was yelling at Kobe to make him stay or get out of the way..or to scare the baby marmot away (about the size of a ferret). maybe I was just scared for my dog's life...but they collided. Then a few paw hits later, the marmot ran down a hole in the bridge. Kobe tried to get it, but he was too late.
I didn't take this picture, but I just wanted to show you what attacked him. The baby on the left. I'm really, really happy it wasn't an adult that collided with him, though.
After the marmot incident we continued on our way.
Then we got to the hiking trail and it was straight up hill from there!
Very steep might I add.
What a blessed place to be right then. The cave emitted a cold breeze which was very much needed when we got up there. We stopped for a moment, caught our breath, cooled down, and started exploring!
We were a ways in when we noticed a faintly glowing pillar. It was and ice pillar! Why was it glowing?? Someone had put a couple of purple glow sticks in it. I wish the glowing was a natural occurrence, but it was still pretty cool. We put our flash lights in it to light it up more.
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Marshie exploring. |
Having had enough of the slippery ground and darkness, we returned to the mouth of the cave to snap a few more pics before we hiked back down the mountain.
Can you see Marshie in that crevasse?
His head is poking out at the top of this one. What a little rebel.
The trail was so steep and the rocks were easily movable, so to be more safe than sorry I gave Kobe a ride past the shale.
At the end of our 4 hour journey we rested by the river and dipped our hot and aching feet into the blissfully cold water.
Kobe was just exhausted. He slept the whole ride to....
Clive Burger!!
This little gem on 17th Ave is ridiculously cute and super awesome. I've never had a better fast food burger anywhere else.
After our dinner at Clive Burger, I rushed home to get ready for....
AWOLNATION at Stampede!
Marshie came over after he got ready and we went to Lita's house to meet up with her and take the train down to the grounds. It was packed! Marshie found Greg Bennett after we got off the train, so Lita went to get some food while we tried to get as close as possible to the front of the stage.
I think I would have had a better time if I didn't have a headache the whole time. Also I was scared that if I fell I would be trampled to death. I left the sardine can after the second song and found Lita on the outskirts. After the concert the guys reassured me that if I had fell, people would have helped me out. Oh well...maybe next time I'll be a little crazier.
I really wanted to go on this ride again...too expensive.
We then waited around, got some food, then went to the Bell bleachers to watch the fireworks and a little light show.
What a great Saturday!!!
I don't know how you had the energy to do all of that in one day. That made me tired just reading about it. But good job! I'm so jealous I didn't get to go on that hike.