We have good times in our little house, Breanne, Marshall, Burns, and I. I guess "our" house doesn't include Burns and Marshall but it might as well because they're here so much. I think I'm going to start charging them rent...
Anyweese, we have good times such as hitting each other with Breanne's insoles.
Remember in my last post when I mentioned that Breanne and I finally cleaned the house. We hadn't swept the dining/living room floor since the middle of December! So we got two lovely dirt piles.
This V-day I wanted to cook Burns dinner but I knew I wouldn't have any time on the actual day so I cooked him some din-dins on the Saturday before. I made that Italian Chicken I mentioned in the last post and it was DELISH!!!
I didn't want to get Burns any candy because
A: Burns eats too much candy
B: Burns doesn't eat food enough
So instead of bombarding him with junk, I was the BEST girlfriend and I got him some non-perishable food items. Oh...and I got him some kisses..but not a lot haha. And I got him a cute lil card.
(inside) now I'm no longer lonely!
So true hey? That is why I bought this card. You know...it's a funny cause it's true kinda dealio...
I got the boy some sparkling pomegranate juice to wash his delicious chicken down with. Wow I'm making it sound like I didn't partake in my own labours! Well let me tell you I sure did!
Sunday came around and we took some simply EXCEPTIONAL sun glare photos on the couch.
Then actual V-day came around and Burns picked me up from school (don't be confused by the days because of Burns' shirt..he just wore the same thing at least twice in a row...it is actually Monday and not Sunday that this happened). And he made me LUNCH!!!! Wanna see a picture of a REAL man? Here it is:
Stand back ladies....he's all mine!
He made me some lovely mozzarella sticks with chicken strips. He also brought some cherry tomatoes and blueberries and, yes, yes he did bring me flowers. We don't know what kind they are yet because they are closed. Burns wanted it to be a surprise when they opened. They're almost open so I'll take a picture of them and maybe someone can tell us what they are.
Then we took lil Kobster on a nice walk to Bownesian and I got my neighbors some sugar because I actually needed to borrow a cup of sugar from them. I used the last bit of their sugar and when I offered the brand new bag, my neighbor declined and didn't take it! She said, "No, no iss okay." She's polish.

"So what was this neighborly cup of sugar for?" you axe. It was for a fun times at Daryanne's house. I made some banana bread for dessert and they made Burns and me a DIVINE dinner! Love you guys!
"So what was this neighborly cup of sugar for?" you axe. It was for a fun times at Daryanne's house. I made some banana bread for dessert and they made Burns and me a DIVINE dinner! Love you guys!
daaaawwwww. it iss funny cuz it iss true. loe you.