Tuesday, February 22, 2011

family day

Ohh what a grand adventure Burns and I went on yesterday! Family Day!

Where else would we go but to Banff? You know when you pass that factory by the lake on the right hand side of the highway on your way to the cute lil place called Banff? Well have you ever stopped at that lake? Burns and I have the liberty of saying that we have!

Have you ever had the privilege of saying that you have WALKED on that lake? Burns and I have!

Not only was it FREEZING out on that lake but it was also a little unnerving to know that at any moment the ice could crack and we could fall to our hypothermic deaths.

Guess where this is:

See that factory in the picture below? Burns and I have driven on the other side of it on a different adventure. We took the old Highway 1 to get to Banff a couple years ago. FUN!!!

If you guessed that we are on that little island with the picnic table, then by golly you guessed right!

See that semi? That's right..Burns and I crossed that frozen waste land. We always wanted to get out to that island...but I never dreamed we would WALK across the lake to get to it.

If you would like to experience our adventure in even more detail...please visit this link:


I need to figure out how I can play youtube videos without having to go through the link...

Back to Banff!

We had a great time browsing the shops and buying chocolates and getting warm in our rented retro bathing suits!

Thank you Banff Hot Springs, without you, we would not have gone to that little island off the coast.

And for all ya'll who are wondering what kind of flowers Burns got me for Valentine's Day, welp here they are! Lilies!

Friday, February 18, 2011

be mine?


We have good times in our little house, Breanne, Marshall, Burns, and I. I guess "our" house doesn't include Burns and Marshall but it might as well because they're here so much. I think I'm going to start charging them rent...

Anyweese, we have good times such as hitting each other with Breanne's insoles.

Good times such as making Breanne and Marshie my waxing slaves. Or minions. Whatever you wanna call it.

But sometimes those good times turn into bad times...and then we can look back and say those were good times. Such as when Kobe got scared because my slaves were waxing my legs. He climbed up my back and sat on my shoulders! What a little sweetheart. He just couldn't bear to watch me being stripped of all my fur. I'm sure he just imagined it happening to him and he just broke down. Or maybe he actually didn't like it because I kept yelling out in pain. I guess we'll never know.

Remember in my last post when I mentioned that Breanne and I finally cleaned the house. We hadn't swept the dining/living room floor since the middle of December! So we got two lovely dirt piles.



This V-day I wanted to cook Burns dinner but I knew I wouldn't have any time on the actual day so I cooked him some din-dins on the Saturday before. I made that Italian Chicken I mentioned in the last post and it was DELISH!!!

I didn't want to get Burns any candy because

A: Burns eats too much candy


B: Burns doesn't eat food enough

So instead of bombarding him with junk, I was the BEST girlfriend and I got him some non-perishable food items. Oh...and I got him some kisses..but not a lot haha. And I got him a cute lil card.

(front) Before I met you I was a lonely weirdo...
(inside) now I'm no longer lonely!

So true hey? That is why I bought this card. You know...it's a funny cause it's true kinda dealio...

I got the boy some sparkling pomegranate juice to wash his delicious chicken down with. Wow I'm making it sound like I didn't partake in my own labours! Well let me tell you I sure did!

Sunday came around and we took some simply EXCEPTIONAL sun glare photos on the couch.

Oh so heavenly.

Then actual V-day came around and Burns picked me up from school (don't be confused by the days because of Burns' shirt..he just wore the same thing at least twice in a row...it is actually Monday and not Sunday that this happened). And he made me LUNCH!!!! Wanna see a picture of a REAL man? Here it is:

Stand back ladies....he's all mine!

He made me some lovely mozzarella sticks with chicken strips. He also brought some cherry tomatoes and blueberries and, yes, yes he did bring me flowers. We don't know what kind they are yet because they are closed. Burns wanted it to be a surprise when they opened. They're almost open so I'll take a picture of them and maybe someone can tell us what they are.

Then we took lil Kobster on a nice walk to Bownesian and I got my neighbors some sugar because I actually needed to borrow a cup of sugar from them. I used the last bit of their sugar and when I offered the brand new bag, my neighbor declined and didn't take it! She said, "No, no iss okay." She's polish.

"So what was this neighborly cup of sugar for?" you axe. It was for a fun times at Daryanne's house. I made some banana bread for dessert and they made Burns and me a DIVINE dinner! Love you guys!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

it's about time

Oh my goodness! I can't believe it has been more than a MONTH since I have written on my blog! BLASPHEMY! Wait a second...I think I have a good reason. Let me explain:

You see, once upon a time I was in my Historical Linguistics class last semester and I asked a couple students if they were taking any Linguistics classes the coming semester. They both said they were taking one or two. They then asked me if I was and I replied that I was taking five. They both looked at me like I was completely insane, and one girl asked me if I was crazy. I replied, "I guess so."

I am in LING 319, 311, 331, 439, and 441 namely Semantics, First Language Acquisition, Second Language acquisition, Psycholinguistics, and Phonetics II.

I am crazy......crazy BUSY that is!

I wish I could show you all my schedule for the next four months. But I'll give you a little taste of what I have been doing so far:

January 17th: FLA first reaction

January 21: SLA assignment 2

January 24: Psycholing Lab 1

January 25: Phonetics assignment 1

January 26: Semantics Quiz 1/FLA reaction 2

January 27: Phonetics Homework 1

January 28: Psycholing discussion/SLA reading summary 1

January 31: Psycholing Lab 2

February 1: Phonetics TOBI homework

February 2: Meet Psycholing group @ 12:00

February 4: Psycholing discussion

February 7: FLA reaction 3

February 8: Phonetics assignment 2

February 9: Semantics assignment 1/Meet Psycholing group @ 12:00

February 11: Psycholing discussion/presentation/Phonetics TOBI homework 2

Enough? Yeahhhhh........

Well this week I have 3 midterms and 3 assignments due..oh and I'm working on an assignment on Saturday with one of my classmates.


But I have been having a lot of fun, and at least most of my classes are really interesting.

Another thing that keeps me busy is the band. The UofC is hosting a Battle of the Bands that we are competing in. It's this Wednesday. Then we have another BOTB coming up on March 4th for the YSA. We practice full band every Saturday and we do acoustic jams every Monday and Wednesday night. Think I have enough on my plate yet? Haha.

Oh and having a puppy and a boyfriend takes up a lot of time but they bring me joy :)

Speaking of boyfriend, we went shooting the other day. He had been wanting to go with me since we went to Raymond and I never wanted to. Then a beautiful day came along and we had time to go and so we went out to an abandoned house outside of Calgs.

Burns was going to drive down the driveway but then decided that the snow was too deep. We got stuck so I tried to push us out. Then Burns and I switched places, he pushed, and we got out.

We then ran down the super long driveway in deep snow with Kobe hopping in our footprints. You can see the little fur ball right behind Burns in the above picture.

So cute/happy.

I should not be allowed to use a gun. JOKES..I'm safe! I promise!

Oh and this New Years Eve was a grood ol' time! Jordan and Julie Goldthorp invited Burns and me to their 1930s dress up party! The little ones didn't have any plans so I invited them too.

This is what the little ones looked like.

Everyone dressed up! = SUCCESS and FUN

We played games and pretended we were so bad...but we weren't.

Value Village is da BOMB

So yeah...please forgive me for not keeping ya'll up to date, it's just kinda hard when you have no time. But I had time today because we didn't have full band practice today.
Breanne and I cleaned the whole house and it looks and feels sooo good. We haven't had a completely clean house since December probably haha. SICK.
Well hopefully I will fill you in on what else has happened since December during Reading Week.
Oh yeah and tonight I am cooking Burns some dinner. I am trying the Italian Chicken recipe but it all didn't fit in that widdoe cwock pot...so I had to transfer everything to a bigger container and cook it in the oven.
PS, Alex I really do appreciate the crock pot. I can't wait to try a smaller recipe in it! :)