SLC + Natalie
just in case you were wondering why this post is called what it is called
We LOVE playing with Natalie!
Just a little pina colada ;)
So HAPPY together!!!
Good thing families are forever!
Don't worry Natalie, you're nice aunts and uncles will always spoil you ROTTEN. But my kids' nice aunts and uncles better not spoil my kids! Just jokes....please...doo...???...wait a second...
Burns and I left the granny drivers in Cowpoogary behind and went to UTAH to visit all the UTARDS!!!
Firstly we went down to Raytown for Thursday night at Mommy and Daddy's and left bright and early in the morning. 5:00am to be exact. I drove because Burns is a complete zombie in the morning. I was super nervous for the border...not because I was carrying any drugs or weapons of mass destruction, but because I have never been the driver crossing the border. Those border guys are sooo intimidating! We got through just fine and we were able to watch the sunrise! much as I could watch while watching the road.
My camera just does not do it justice.
Since we were making goooood time, we decided to stop at a place I have wanted to stop at since I first experienced the beauty of Idaho and Utah. The whole landscape was made from lava seeping through the ground. Now coyotes, and other creatures make their homes in the vast network of caves and tunnels of dried lava.
NEEDLESS to say. We made it safe and sound to Matt & Steph's place!
Can you tell they are brothers?
THEN we went to one of the BEST places on earth with some of the BEST people I know!!!
With Matt, Steph, and baby Rhett (who is not much of a baby anymore so I will revise) and toddler Rhett!
UGH just LOOKING at these pictures makes me want to EAT FOOOOOD!!! Cafe Rio style of course!
And look who decided to join us! No, I'm not talking about Matt, Son of Samwise and Frodo. None other than Rick Heninger!
Then we went shopping and I got some $20 shoes. Burns got some kicks too!
This all happened on let's see what happened on Saturday!
Oh phew!! No more underlining. We didn't even mean to match our outfits! Oh soo cute!

We were seriously getting KILLED in the heat! It was seriously hotter there than any summer day I have experienced in Calgary!

Yay! Finally watching conference live!

Thanks Matt, Steph, and Sam!!! We seriously had soo much fun! And it was really great seeing Luke and Mandi's fam!!!
We were seriously getting KILLED in the heat! It was seriously hotter there than any summer day I have experienced in Calgary!
Yay! Finally watching conference live!
We sat in the deaf section with Sam. It was pretty cool! I wish we got to see the Mo-Tab choir but the family choir was pretty good too. I was mostly distracted by the TVs set up for the hearing impaired...I couldn't stop watching the sign language or reading the subtitles. They're just right there! In front of you! You just can'
Then they all dispersed.
Even during the prayer I heard a few clicks....maybe Burns and I will be in the Ensign. Watch out for us! Haha.
I seriously did NOT want to leave. Sunday morning, Matt and Steph cooked us an amazing breakfast. The night before, Steph's mom came by with TONNES of food which was oh sooo good! Then we had delicious burgers Sunday night. We got to visit with Luke and Mandi on Saturday night with their kids. It was actually really weird without Denise there...I'm not used to hanging out with Burns' brothers and their families without Denise around.
Well... unfortunately we had to leave. We wanted to make it back in time for Burns to go to class so we decided to leave Sunday night. We left at around 10:00pm and got back into Calgary in the afternoon. We took turns driving and sleeping in the back. I even had to pull over for an hour to sleep because both of us were too tired. After that nap all was well and I was able to drive again.
We took Kobe with us, as you were well aware, and he was such a good little puppy. He just slept the whole way there and back.
Thanks Matt, Steph, and Sam!!! We seriously had soo much fun! And it was really great seeing Luke and Mandi's fam!!!
And I really want to be able to stay there longer some time because it is just soo beautiful there!!! I wanna go back!!!
FUN! how was actual conference though. One day I will get to experience this, but probably not
ReplyDeleteoh and p.s. those pics of nat-face are cute. spoiled little girl!
ReplyDeleteso jealous!!! your pics made me miss the time d-bot and i went down for spring session. Let's all go together sometime K??
ReplyDeleteyes lets! how about when i don't have school so we can stay down for like a week instead of 2 days haha. and actual conference was good. i'm giving a talk on sunday on elder holland's talk 1st session saturday. it's on gratitude...figures hey?