I planted about 100 flower seeds in the spring and only two sunflowers grew. Out of the two sunflowers only this one bloomed. I love it! It's my miracle flower.
You know those 'claw' machines? You know, the ones that have a tonne of toys and junk in them and it is absolutely impossible to win anything? Well guess what. Burns won.
He won a playboy bunny hat!
Looks like I'll be wearing this EVERYWHERE I go.
We went down to Raymond on the weekend of October 17th for our own Thanksgiving and for Nat-face's bday party. Good weekend.
Burns bought a shotgun and clay pigeons for us to shoot while we were down. I really enjoyed it, but every time I shot the gun, I got a tiny bit of whip-lash and got a slight headache. Not too bad but still a little annoying. That's probably the only reason I liked throwing the pigeons better than shooting them.
The pigeon launcher.
Yeah....I'm bad.
Family got involved and we would have races to see who could shoot the pigeon first. Even Amy, who had her baby the following Tuesday, shot the gun.
Mi padre y mi novio.
so far
So for starters, my amazing visiting teachers came over and brought me an ice cream birthday cake. They also gave me a text book stand. They're amazing.
On the morning of my birthday, the astounding Christine Lyons brought me a delightful breakfast of apples, grapes, bananas, strawberries, peanuts, and cinnamon buns. We had a band practice at my place and let me tell you, that morning was a riot! Not very productive (writing lyric wise) but I seriously have not laughed so much in a very long time.
When I went into the kitchen, I noticed that the last piece of my VT ice cream cake was sitting on top of the fridge! "Oh no!" I exclaimed thinking someone must have left it out and had forgotten to put it back in. I quickly rushed to put it back in the freezer. I blurted out "What the!?!" and I then realized that my wonderful band mates had brought me yet another ice cream cake!!! So the last piece of my first cake melted while we enjoyed pieces of my new cake. They had written on it:
Happy Birthday
Blender Magazine's
hard jazz rock metal
Vocalist of the year!
EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I love them haha.
And it gets even better! After everyone went their separate ways, Burns came by to pick me up. We went for a picnic at Bowness Park!
If you've ever tried to cut up a pomegranate, they aren't the easiest things to get the fruit out. But we did it and our fingers were FREEZING by the time we were done.
So worth it though.
MMMMMMM best looking thing I have seen all year:
Burns holding up a bowl filled with pomegranate seeds just waiting to be devoured by me.
Burns gave me an envelope. And inside that envelope were...
And let me tell you, NO act was a bad act. They were all AMAZING!!!
Just fooling around before the show started.
Burns bought me a t-shirt and he bought the soundtrack. I have been listening to it all day today and it is sooo good! Just go on YouTube and look up Kooza and you can see what I got to experience in real life. But live is OH STO MUCH GOODBYE BETTER than on TV.