We could have gone on it again right after for another 10 bucks a person but we decided not to. Then since we went on the crane one we got half off on the slingshot! So Burns and I paid $20 each to ride the slingshot. Still fun but definitely not as fun as the crane. We were sad we didn't go on the crane one again but that's okay.
We are just sooooo excited to be there!

Boonie got scay-ohed!!! This was the drop of doom. I really enjoy rides!!!
Boonie got scay-ohed!!! This was the drop of doom. I really enjoy rides!!!
At the end of the night (it was drizzling all day by the way so a bunch of rides were shut down) Burns and I went on one more ride. Burns gets really sick on spinny rides and this one looked like it would be okay for him. WRONG!!! We just barely got started and hardly even spinning yet when Burns announced that he was going to throw up. All I could say was "Don't! Cause if you throw up, you'll be throwing up on me!!" When we got off the ride he almost did throw up and he was sick for the rest of the night. Poor Boonie!!!
It was a fun night!
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