The absolutely STUNNING Ms. Arianne Leishman became Mrs. Arianne Bieber on Saturday September 18, 2010! It was a super fun day that I quite enjoyed :D
Burns, Kobe, and Me on the way to the TEMPLE~~~!!! Actually...we were on our way to my grandma's house to babysit all the kids while the parents went to the sealing.
Me and my cutie pie niece, Eva, waiting for the sealing to be over so we could go take pics and see the newly weds. Amy's kids have the most beautiful eyes! In fact...all my nieces and nephews so far have gorgeous blue eyes that I'm sooooo jealous of!

The seeeeeesters!!!! And Burns and Joe and Nat. Photo credit: Dad

Being silly in the rain!
Being silly in the rain!
Marshie and the gimp! Don't worry Breanne, I love you. :P
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I mean...UUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! and my filling ^_^

Burns and I were the perfect assistants to photographer, Alex.
The reception was really great! The food was amazing! Burns and I were asked to perform a few songs (background musica) and that was super fun. The atmosphere was just so chill and relaaaaaxxxxxxx. (the x's aren't meant as a rating - or else that would have been a pretty scandalous reception!)
All in all it was a good day.
And it turns out that unfortunately sister Jessica and her fam couldn't make it to the wedding. But they had GOOD reason. JESSICA HAD A BEBEEEEE!!!!! Baby Ashton Arpad Barabas. He sure is a CUTIE and I wish I had a picture of him to put on here but I don't. He has the softest hair and man he is just sooooo CUTE!!! I can't get over it haha.
Breanne, Berekti, and I went on a roommate date to Boston Pizza last week some time.
And I didn't put a picture of myself at this event because I didn't want to blind anyone with my hideousnessessess.