Sunday, November 20, 2011

preference soup

On Friday night I had a date with destiny. Okay, so it was actually a date with Burns. We went to Gaucho Brazilian BBQ. 

We ate and ate and ate and ate all the meat we could EVER want in a whole month within one sitting. We had steak, ribs, chicken breast, sausage, chicken wings, lamb, and we even tried the chicken heart! Okay so lamb is disgusting because all I can smell is goats (or sheep) when I eat it. I tried plugging my nose and it was okay after that and I could actually swallow it. The chicken heart was ... okay. The thing that bothered me the most about it was the thought of it. I couldn't even finish it and it was about the size of a quarter.

There was also a buffet there and we tried some Brazilian delights such as palm heart (the taste is really similar to artichoke but these are harvested from the inner growing bud of palm trees). I got some other salads and mashed potatoes and it was really good.

I think I'd be okay if I didn't go back for a while. It was great, but expensive, and I was just sick of meat by the end of it. We did, however, get a fantastic dessert: chocolate mousse cake. There was a tiny layer of chocolate cake and the rest was mousse. Mmmmmm. I also tried the Brazilian pop. It was really good, too.

Burns and I then headed over to the dance and had bundles of fun. We also got to dance with Arianne and Daryn!

 Dancing the night away!!!


So on Saturday it was reallllllyyyyy cold out. I had just finished reading about this week's Friday Fiasco and I wanted soup real bad. I looked up recipes on the Fine Cooking website and decided to make Tex-Mex Chile-Lime Chicken Soup. Not only that, but I needed a bunch of shredded chicken so I decided to make my own chicken broth! Mostly because Arianne did it and said it was easy. I didn't follow her recipe though, I followed the one on Fine Cooking because it yielded the exact amount I needed for the soup.

Making the broth.

This is the broth.

This is the cooked chicken from making the broth.
The recipe also recommended I make tortilla chips by cutting tortillas into strips and frying them. So I did.

This is Burns' hand, not mine.

And here is the delectable finished product!!!

It was sooooooooooo good! A little spicy because of the jalapeno peppers I put in, but not unbearably spicy. We put in the chips and shredded cheese and it was soooo delicious.

It took a while to make because the chicken broth took a while to make. But it was so worth it. I should have bought some sour cream to put in it. That would have been yummy.

So if any of you want to make this soup within the next few days, come get the rest of my jalapeno peppers! I only needed two for the recipe but they came in packages of six. I don't really know what to do with them.

Monday, November 14, 2011

monday morning mishaps?

Okay, okay Arianne and Alex....I really did have time to do a Friday Fiasco on Friday. I forgot! And I just decided that I want to participate after reading yours. So here we go. Monday Morning Mishap #1 (and probably the last one):

5 quirky things about me

1. If you haven't noticed, I bite my lips....a lot. Burns says I look just like Brad or Mom when this happens. I just can't stand there being any bumps or dead skin on my lips so I bite it off. I really need to stop this because my lips keep cracking and bleeding and I'm only making them worse than they already are!

2. I was just discussing this with Lita yesterday but I have this uncontrollable NEED to pop my zits. No matter if they are ready or not...they NEED to be popped. Burns always tells me to just leave them because I'll only make them worse, but every time I resist, the NEED overtakes my senses and before I can stop myself it is too late. And it always looks worse than it would if I had just left it.

3. Okay this is really crazy that I am confessing this but sometimes I lick Burns' arm hair in just one spot to make it stand straight up. Kind of like how a cat would lick their kitten I'm so weird.

4. I sniff Kobe really fast like he sniffs me. For some reason I feel like I'm bonding with him when I do this, but then right after I always think that he thinks I'm really weird for sniffing him and he can't figure out why I do it.

5. I save almost ALL of my change. Even pennies. I know it takes 100 pennies to make $1.00 but that's a dollar more than you would have had if you didn't save all your pennies! It also takes 10 pennies to make a dime. Money is money no matter how small the amount. And you know what they say: by small and simple means are great things brought to pass!

I hope you don't shun me now for how .. interesting .. I am. Hope you enjoyed!

Friday, November 4, 2011

recent endeavors

Since my birthday I have:

  • got a new roommate named Bryanne

  • gone to Kutarna's for a caramel apple and costume party for Halloween. FUN!!!

  • got back my mark for my Language and Power midterm. I'm really excited about it because this is the first time in the history of my University career that I have gotten 100% on a midterm! Oh and not only that, I actually got 102%!!!! I got 61 out of 60!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! When I first saw the grade I thought it might be a mistake haha. But it wasn't and I'm sooo happy about it! With grades like these I will for SURE get into grad school. Now if only I could build up the courage to register for the GRE. Oh boy....

  • been cruisin' around in my parents' car because they're having a blast in Mexico! How do I survive without a car? 

  • been invited to go see "Joseph and the Technicolored Dream Coat" at Stage West for the Hi-Tech Christmas party. It's on November 10th. And I'm really lucky they are going that day because it's a Thursday and on Thursdays I usually have class till 8:45pm. But the 10th is a Reading Day!!!! Woot!! So excited to see this play. I have never seen it, but I listened to the soundtrack all the time when I was a kid.

  • taken Boonie some soup, ginger ale, crackers, and smoothie. Can you guess what he is? He's sick! Poor little munchkin. He wasn't able to go to school yesterday and he's still sick today. At least he has his new book "Death: A Life" to keep him company. 

  • speaking of "Death: A Life," this book is hilarious. It's the biography of Death. I read the introduction and a bit of the first chapter yesterday and I love it. It's so morbidly humorous. And a lot of it is sooo true and that's why it's funny. 

  • learned how to do a proper push up. I can't even do one! But I read this blog and I am now building up to do a floor push up. I started with wall push ups and found that I could do the recommended amount to be able to graduate to inclined push ups. I started the inclined yesterday and I am SORE! I couldn't do all 4 sets so I am going to work up to that, then move to an even greater incline, and eventually the floor! 

Last night Kobe and I heard a CRASH in my room while we were sleeping! Kobe jumped up and barked and growled a bunch. I was still half asleep and didn't really know what was going on. I think I thought someone was breaking through the wall or something so I let out a yelp myself. After coming to full consciousness I realized that my whiteboard had fallen off the wall and onto my dresser. Megan was on the other side of the wall so she heard the commotion and came to see if everything was okay. Kobe was still growling cause I hadn't turned the light on and he couldn't see what happened. I said my whiteboard fell so she went back to bed. 

Kobe was still staring at the wall and wouldn't lay down, so I turned the light on for him to see what happened. I didn't have my glasses on so it was all just a blur for me. We went back to sleep. This morning I turned my light on, with my glasses on this time, and saw that my wall was a lot emptier than I had anticipated. A picture with a big frame that was on my wall had totally disappeared! My whiteboard hadn't caused all the ruckus because it was still on the wall hanging by one nail. It was that big picture that had crashed onto my dresser. But it was GONE! 

At this point I started thinking I had gone crazy. Was the picture there in the first place? Did I even HAVE that picture??? It was seriously messing with my mind. Then I looked behind my dresser and that was where I found the picture to be. Good, I wasn't crazy. But it sure caused a mess. 

I figure the whiteboard came off the one nail, swung and hit the picture, the picture fell on the dresser and then fell behind it. 

Not really fun when you're asleep when that happens. It's a lot scarier in dream land.