Thursday, June 30, 2011


I should probably tell everyone the good news!

The morning after I missed my test I checked my email and there was an email from my teacher telling me that I had the opportunity to write my test that day at 4:00! I phoned my work and I told my manager my situation. I was supposed to work from 12:00 - 9:00 that day. She was very understanding and said I could come in after I took my test.

I went to the university, studied more, and took my test. I think/hope I did well. I'm soooo thankful that I was able to take it though! I was started to doubt humanity, but this gave me hope that there are still wonderful, kind, and understanding people out there! :D

ps thanks for those of you who prayed for me and sympathized with me. I really appreciate it!

who's your daddy?

Hey folks....I'm super late on Father's Day, but I wanted to express how much I love my dad. He is strong, kind, funny, smart, and handsome!

This guy taught me the golden rule - to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. He always brought me into reality when he said things like, "How would you like it if I did that to you?"

He taught me to never let small things get me down. Seriously I would be a different person without this lesson learned. One time a super small thing got me really upset and I let it affect me all day. My dad then asked if I was going to let that small thing ruin my whole day. I grew up having a positive outlook on life. Thanks daddy!

I learned from him to at least pretend to be interested in what other people had to say even if I wasn't. A funny thing came out of this. I am seriously...interested in pretty much everything people have to say. My parents went on a long quad trip and were back and had asked if I wanted to hear about their adventures and see their pictures. Not that big into quadding myself, I wasn't too thrilled to sit there and listen to stories about quads. My dad then approached me and asked, "Do you think I'm really interested in your Show Choir trips?" (or something like that). He then went on to say that he liked hearing about my trips because he liked hearing about me and it is nice for the other person to have someone to share with. I now will never refuse to listen to other peoples adventures, look at pictures with them, and get to know them better.

My dad works so hard to support his family.

He taught me to swallow my pride and apologize when I hurt someone. My dad had hurt my feelings one night and I went to my room crying. He knocked on the door about 10 minutes later and apologized for what he had said. I really appreciated that and now others can appreciate it when I do the same thing.

He always encourages me and tells me I can do whatever I set my mind on.

I love you daddy!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

one of THOSE days

I had one of the BEST days of my life yesterday.

Oh...I guess you didn't catch the major sarcasm....let me explain.

So I had my spring course final exam yesterday. I had been studying two days in advance and on the day of the test I went to the university and crammed for four hours. My test was at 1:00. The time was 12:45 and I decide I should go to the bathroom before I started the test. The test room (which is also where we had all of our classes) is on the way to the bathroom so I passed it, looked in, and there were my classmates - all of them - huddled over papers and writing furiously.


My test was at 12:00.

So I walked in and my teacher asked me what happened. We went outside of the classroom to talk about it. She said she couldn't let me take the test because they had already watched the video portions and I would do really bad. She told me to go to the Enrollment Office and apply for a deferral - which I did.

The people there were really understanding and nice, but my chances of getting a deferral were pretty slim because...well lets face it...mixing up the time of my exam is kind of my own fault. It's not like I became deathly ill right before, or was in a car accident, or had a religious thing to attend. I was just dumb...and I would probably not get the deferral. BUT because I have never applied for a deferral before, the man I was talking to said my chances were....better. Great.

So I went home, went to Bear's Paw with Breanne (we didn't bike, I had Burns' car) and got a bunch of errands done, like taking some bottles to the bottle depot and washing the car. Then as I was just about to leave to go to pick up Burns, I noticed something else.

my bike

was stolen.

On I went to Burns' house where he comforted me even after his long day of work (about 10 hours or more) and we went to my friend's goodbye party. After that we went to band. By the end of the day, we were both...just...exhausted. And at least the pictures that Arianne took a couple days ago came out FABULOUS!

Monday, June 27, 2011

bike to paw

Brian had the day off and I was home from school so we......

Biked to Bear's Paw Dam with the puppies!!!

Me and Kobse

Brian and Peikse

on ze road

we we so excited

at the lake


Okay, so I know this will sound kind of lame to you guys but my dog is afraid of water. I try to take him in the shower sometimes but he is sooo ridiculously frightened of it! He shakes the whole time he is in there. So while we were at the lake, I went in up to my calves and tried to get Kobe to follow me in to no avail. Then I went by the log that Kobe is sitting on in the above picture. He went out on the log, I said "Kobe come!" and he jumped right in! It was amazing. There is hope for him yet.


Kobe just chills.


Because Peiko likes to jump out of the backpack while we are still travelling on our bikes and is such a hassle, Marshie came to save the day and give us a ride back home.

The end.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

my guilty pleasures and confessions

I think it is safe to say that I have grown up a little bit in the past three years since I have left hike school. With this growing up process I have discovered a few things about myself.

1. I am addicted to chocolate. I crave it nearly every day and satisfy that craving almost as much as the actual craving occurs. I am currently on a diet with Christine and Breanne. This is what I'm allowed to eat: spinach, green salad, tomatoes, onion, asparagus, cabbage, cucumbers, shrimp, chicken, lobster, crab, apple, orange, strawberry, grapefruit, chicken broth, and sexy Mrs. Dash. It doesn't include chocolate so I think I can kick this addiction in the butt and say, "Be on your way! ... but don't leave me forever because I think it's okay to indulge once in a while..."

2. I like working out. I didn't think I would ever like it but I went to the gym last Wednesday, Monday, and today and spent an hour and a half there all three days. I feel great! I have really sore muscles now, and I think I pulled my hamstring (I don't know what that is supposed to feel like but my left one is hurting more than a regular sore muscle), but that's okay, I'll feel great in the long run.

3. I appreciate all kinds of music. ALL kinds. I may not "like" certain genres, but I can see how people could and do like them. In fact, I even like a Slipknot song. I like a Lamb of God song. I haven't heard a lot of Opeth, but I like what I hear. I like a couple country songs. I like a lot of pop songs, and I especially like Indi music. I really like D&B from what I have heard of it. I can even admit to myself that, although 80's music was the worst decade of music ever written, I like some songs from that time period. Jazz, hip-hop, classical, punk, rock, blues, death metal, emo, you name it, I can probably find something I like/appreciate about it.

4. I love my dog. I even give him Christmas and birthday presents and want to take him everywhere I go and let him sleep in my bed and think of him as a part of my family. I think certain people *cough*mom*cough*siblings*ahem* would throw up at the thought of me loving my dog so much, but I have to be honest with myself here...I love him that much. I love how happy he is to see me when I come home from work or school. I love snuggling with him and playing with him and running around with him. Sure he's a brat sometimes...a lot of the time...okay so most of the time, but I can deal with that.

5. I love anime. I love how weird it fact I spent a good two months (when I couldn't find a job) watching every episode of Inuyasha. Enough said.

6. This one isn't a pleasure, it's more of an agonizing dislike. I hate watching things die. From humans even in movies, to little ants on the sidewalk. That little thing has a life too, and I don't want to be the one to end that for them. I even feel bad when I kill mosquitoes sucking my blood.

7. I LOVE when my house is clean. It's just so nice.

8. Whenever I think of a melody for a new song I record it on my phone. When I come back to that melody and listen to it later on, 99% of the time I just delete it because it's stupid. The other 1% I make a song out of. Maybe even 0.5% I make a song out of it.

9. I am almost finished my NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION!!! Impressed? Well so am I! I set a goal to not buy new clothes for 6 months. I can't believe 6 months is almost up! This goal included shoes (which I REALLY need some new ones), swimsuits (which I REALLY would like a new one) and anything unnecessary in my eyes. I would have bought socks and/or undies if I needed to but I didn't need to so I didn't buy them. Make sense?

10. I like going to wedding receptions. I didn't think I liked them as a child growing up in the family that I did. But I do. And when I say, "I do", I will have a great wedding reception - exactly what I want...cause now I have a better idea of what I want in a few things in life.

11. One of my most enjoyable/expensive hobbies is printing my digital pictures out. I love being able to look through both of my huge photo albums and remember all of the fun things I did.

12. If my house were to burn down, I would save first my roomies, then my puppy and Bre's puppy, then my photo albums, then my laptop, my underwater camera would come next, and if I had more time and more help, I would save my piano.

13. I can't wait for my spring class to be over. I'm really enjoying it but I would like to enjoy my summer now..ganks. June 27th and I will be done! :D